
BAUMGARTNER H., RENOUX D., KARHA P., POIKONEN T., PULLI T. et IKONEN E., “Natural and accelerated ageing of LED lamps”, Lighting Res. and Technol., 2015, DOI: 10.1177/1477153515603757.

DURELL C., SCHARPF D., MCKEE G., L'HEUREUX M., GEORGIEV G., OBEIN G. et COOKSEY C., “Creation and validation of Spectralon PTFE BRDF targets and standards”, 2015, Proceedings of SPIE, 9639, 12 octobre 2015, DOI: 10.1117/12.2195503.

FLYS O., KÄLLBERG S., GED G., SILVESTRI Z. et ROSEN B.-G., “Characterization of surface topography of a newly developed metrological gloss scale”, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 3, 4, 2015, DOI: 10.1088/2051-672X/3/4/045001.

OBEIN G., AUDENAERT J., GED G. et LELOUP F., “Metrological issues related to BRDF measurements around the specular direction in the particular case of glossy surfaces”, Measuring, Modeling, and Reproducing Material Appearance, Proceedings of SPIE, 9398, San Francisco, Etats-Unis, 8 février 2015, DOI: 10.1117/12.2082518.

ROUGIE B. et COUTIN J.-M., « Références radiométriques pour les mesures de rayonnement optique », Techniques de l'ingénieur, R6 412-2, 2015.


OBEIN G., « Lumière et éclairage », Conférence donnée dans le cadre du Plan Académique de Formation (PAF) des enseignants du 2nd degré sur le thème « La Lumière, éveil des sciences et des sens », Cnam, Paris France, 20 janvier 2016.

OBEIN G., “Progress of xDReflect”, Euramet TC-PR annual meeting, Delft, Pays-Bas, 28-29 janvier 2015.

FLYS O., KÄLLBERG S., GED G., SILVESTRI Z. et ROSÉN B.-G., “Characterization of surface topography of a newly developed metrological gloss scale, 15th International Conference on Metrology and Properties of Engineering Surfaces, Charlotte, États-Unis d'Amérique, 2-5 mars 2015.

COUTIN J.-M., « Le radiomètre cryogénique, référence primaire pour la mesure des rayonnements optiques », Conférence CIE-France « De la candela aux ambiances lumineuses », Cnam, Paris, France, 20 mai 2015.

DUBARD J., « La redéfinition du Système international et de la candela », Conférence CIE-France « De la candela aux ambiances lumineuses », Cnam, Paris, France, 20 mai 2015.

OBEIN G., « Définition et mise en pratique de la candela, du lumen et du lux », Conférence CIE-France « De la candela aux ambiances lumineuses », Cnam, Paris, France, 20 mai 2015.

ROUGIE B., « Les détecteurs PQED, nouvelle génération de radiomètres haut de gamme », Conférence CIE-France « De la candela aux ambiances lumineuses », Cnam, Paris, France, 20 mai 2015.

FILTZ J.-R., “Metrology for a sustainable energy system: research highlights, impacts, challenges for the future,” 9th Euramet General Assembly, GUM, Cracovie, Pologne, 2-5 juin 2015.

OBEIN G., « ConDOR, un équipement de recherche pour l'étude de l'apparence des surfaces modernes », Séminaire Opticsvalley «  CND et caractérisation optique des matériaux : les atouts de la spectroscopie », LNE, Trappes, France, 19 juin 2015.

GED G., FLYS O., SILVESTRI Z., KÄLLBERG S., TAYEB-CHANDOUL F., LE BRETON R., HIMBERT M. et OBEIN G., “Characterizations of specular peaks from a metrological gloss scale”, Proceedings of 28th Session CIE, 216:2015, Manchester, Royaume-Uni, 28 juin - 4 juillet 2015, 2015344-354.

LE BRETON R., GED G. et OBEIN G., “Out of plane BRDF measurement at LNE-Cnam using « ConDOR » our primary goniospectrophotometer”, Proceedings of 28th Session CIE, 216:2015, Manchester, Royaume-Uni, 28 juin - 4 juillet 2015, 20151401-1407.

DUBARD J., VALIN T. et BOUHTIYYA S., “PhotoClass: a new metrology for opto-electric performance of Photovoltaic modules”, 17e Congrès international de métrologie, Paris, France, 21-24 septembre 2015, DOI: 10.1051/metrology/20150001001.

FILTZ J.-R., Animation d’une table ronde sur le sujet « Transition énergétique : La métrologie relève le défi », 17e Congrès inter-national de métrologie, Paris, France, 21-24 septembre 2015.

FILTZ J.-R., DUBARD J., RENOUX D., TO VAN TRANG C., ENOUF O. et GAUDEMER J., “Lighting: Panorama of the capacities and impact of metrology on the development and the improvement of LED technology, 17e Congrès international de métrologie, Paris, France, 21-24 septembre 2015, DOI: 10.1051/metrology/20150011007.

OBEIN G., Participation à une table ronde sur le sujet « Le monde de la métrologie sensorielle », 17e Congrès international de métrologie, Paris, France, 21-24 septembre 2015.

RENOUX D. et DUBARD J., « Développement d’un spectro-photo-goniomètre pour la caractérisation de nouveaux éclairages à état-solide », 17e Congrès international de métrologie, Paris, France, 21-24 septembre 2015.

ROUGIE B., COUTIN J.-M. et RENOUX D., « Un nouvel étalon de référence pour la sensibilité spectrale de détecteur, “peu couteux” et de très faible incertitude », 17e Congrès international de métrologie, Paris, France, 21-24 septembre 2015, DOI: 10.1051/metrology/20150011002.

OBEIN G., « ConDOR, équipement de référence pour la mesure de BRDF », Journée Photonique et contrôle qualité des surfaces et interfaces, Pôle ORA, St Etienne, France, 14 octobre 2015.

ENOUF O. et DUBARD J., « Exposition des travailleurs aux sources de lumière artificielle : normes de sécurité applicables », Colloque de l’INRS sur les Rayonnements optiques et électromagnétiques, Paris, France, 20-22 octobre 2015.

ROUGIE B., « La métrologie des rayonnements pour la sécurité : de l'instrument à la confiance, Colloque de l’INRS sur les Rayonnements optiques et électromagnétiques, Paris, France, 20-22 octobre 2015.

RENOUX D., CIE Tutorial and Expert Symposium on the CIE S025 LED Lamps, LED Luminaires and LED Modules Test Standard”, PTB, Braunschweig, Allemagne, 23-26 novembre 2015.


We report on a widely tunable continuous-wave single-frequency pump-resonant signal-resonant optical parametric oscillator (PRSRO) delivering 20 mW to 50 mW of idler power spanning an octave bandwidth in the mid-infrared (1.7 µm–3.5 µm). This PRSRO is pumped by a continuous-wave Ti:Al2O3 single-frequency and tunable laser delivering 760 mW around 795 nm, and thanks to the pump enhancement a threshold as low as 110 mW is achieved. This nonlinear laser source which is widely tunable in the mid-IR spectral range is part of the radiometric laser chain project aimed at the calibration of the spectral responsivity of photo-detectors in the UV-IR range by spectral irradiance measurement via a cryogenic radiometer. This widely tunable source is also suited to high-resolution molecular spectroscopy in the mid-infrared range.

Key words

nonlinear optics
optical parametric oscillator
parametric interactions
tunable laser


This article describes a new technique to interrogate photonic biosensors for applications in the field of health. The first part presents a type of photonic biosensors: a planar, cyclic microresonator in polymer, shaped racetrack, coupled vertically to a straight waveguide used as input and output for the light. In order, to be adapted for biological applications, the sensor is inserted into an optofluidique cell and its surface is functionalized. The second part of the article describes the phase sensitive optical low coherence interferometer of LNE, proposed as a new interrogation technique of this type of biosensors. Originally developed to characterize, from a metrological point of view, fibre’s components used in the field of telecommunications, this Michelson interferometer with a broadband source has been adapted to such applications. Preliminary results in a biological domain highlight the relevance of this technique and of these microresonators for applications in the field of health.

Key words

optical metrology
biophotonic sensor


New “large area” trap detectors based on silicon photodiodes of (18 × 18) mm2 have been characterized to be used as standards for measuring the spectral responsivity of detectors. The study of these detectors was carried out on the experimental set-up of the laboratory based on a monochromator and sources of continuous spectral radiation. This article describes the developed trap detectors, details the method of measuring their relative spectral responsivity and presents the method used to change the relative spectral responsivity into the absolute spectral responsivity.

Key words

trap detector
spectral responsivity


The standard NF X 10-702-1 (Determination of the opacity of the fumes in an atmosphere without air renewal) describes a fire test method of materials exposed to irradiance of a furnace, by quantifying the smoke production from material in predefined irradiance exposure conditions. The standard defines the test apparatus and the operations to be carried out in order to ensure the metrological control of test apparatus. In particular, the 2.5 W·cm-2 irradiance, which a sample is exposed to during a test, must be adjusted using a radiometer. This radiometer is calibrated against a reference calorimeter according to this standard. The aim of this paper is to describe this calibration uncertainty evaluation. It includes the following steps: evaluation of the associated uncertainty of the reference calorimeter, modelling of the calibration regression and determination of the uncertainties on the irradiance for a given output tension of the radiometer. This work allowed to globally improve the quality of calibrations, through the quantification and control of uncertainties, and by supplying complementary data enlarging the calibration range.

Key words



By the scanning beam method a large monochromatic and uniform synthetic beam is obtained from the juxtaposition of a same beam at several places close together. Such an irradiance cannot be obtained by a single beam. We report here a improvement of a setup for irradiance responsivity calibration of detector. The special feature of this work is the use of an incoherent monochromatic beam with a non gaussian profile. The method has been qualified by a numerical simulation of the measurement process then validated by comparing the results with a classical method. This setup has been implemented for the irradiance responsivity measurement of a thermopile. Then, despite of the 10% local variation, its responsivity has been measured at 0.35% uncertainty level. The value agrees the previous measurements with an other method of this thermopile over 20 years. Furthermore it shows an uncertainty which is half the previous one. We plan to extend this method to other instruments such as mosaic photometer because of its ability to take into account large local responsivity variations.

Key words

optical metrology
optical radiation
scanning beam


This paper presents a low coherence interferometer as a new interrogation technique of micro-resonator for biological molecules sensing. The spatial responses obtained with PS-OLCI setup are used to evaluate relevant parameters of micro-resonator design like coupling coefficient which allows to discern different coupling configurations. This setup, which is able to provide almost simultaneously the transverse magnetic and electric responses was used to evaluate the spectral performances of micro-resonator. The best performances were obtained on a polymeric racetrack micro-resonator when immersed in deionized water. This micro-resonator displays at 1 527.7 nm a Q factor higher than 38 000 and a finesse of 21. The association of the interferometric set-up and a polymer micro-resonator was allowed the detection of the concentration of glucose in deionized water lower than 5 µg·mL-1 for homogeneous sensing and the surface density of TAMRA Cadaverin lower than 4 ag·mm-2 for surface sensing.

Key words



Nowadays, there are few high level metrological devices able to measure accurately the regular reflectance in the infrared region. The Laboratoire national de métrologie et d’essais (LNE) has developed an apparatus designed for the absolute measurement of this parameter in the infrared using the goniometer technique. This method is well appropriate for the measurement of spectral regular reflectance of materials with flat, non-scattering and high reflectivity surfaces such as mirrors. The apparatus works in a wide part of the infrared region (from 1 µm to 16 µm) and can operate in the visible and near infrared spectrum too. Mirror alignments, detection system and concentricity of opto-mechanics elements were optimized to reach uncertainties going from 0,001 to 0,015 depending on the wavelengths.

Key words



Control of sunbeds is mandatory in France to ensure consumers protection against UV radiation. This control is performed by authorized body with array spectroradiometers that must be calibrated and traceable to SI. These spectroradiometers have defects (stray light) that need to be taken into account while performing the calibration. We propose a calibration method that is based on light sources which spectrum is similar to that of the light sources found in sunbeds, and by comparison to a reference spectroradiometer. This paper report on the bench and procedure developed to calibrate the array spectroradiometer as well as the calibration uncertainty.

Key words



The French National Metrology Laboratory, the LNE-LCM, uses a cryogenic radiometer as the basis for its optical radiation measurement scales. This instrument is an absolute radiometer operating at 4.2 K based on the electrical substitution method. It allows absolute measurements of the optical power of laser beams with a relative standard uncertainty in the range of 5 parts in 105. A new cryogenic radiometer was installed in the laboratory and the present paper describes its complete metrological characterization which allows to achieve this level of uncertainty.

Key words

optical radiation
cryogenic radiometer
primary reference
spectral responsivity