
BOBOVNIK G., MICKAN B., SAMBOL P., MAURY R. et KUTIN J., "Investigation of the discharge coefficient in the laminar boundary layer regime of critical flow Venturi nozzles calibrated with different gases including hydrogen", Measurement, 217, 2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2023.113134.

BOUDAOUD A.W., MCGRAW J.D., LOPEZ-LEON T. et OGHEARD F., "Traceability of the primary Nano-flow measurement System: Measuring the local inner diameter of a glass capillary", Measurement, 2023, 218, DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2023.113141.

FORSSEN C., SILANDER I., ZAKRISSON J., AMER E., SZABO D., BOCK T., KUSSIKE A., RUBIN T., MARI D., PASQUALIN S., SILVESTRI Z., BENTOUATI D., AXNER O. et ZELAN M., "Demonstration of a Transportable Fabry-Pérot Refractometer by a Ring-Type Comparison of Dead-Weight Pressure Balances at Four European National Metrology Institutes", Sensors, 2024, 24(1), 7; DOI: 10.3390/s24010007.

GAMBETTE P., GAVIOSO R.M., RIPA M., PLIMMER M.D., SPARASCI F. et PITRE L., "Toward the realization of a primary low-pressure standard using a superconducting microwave resonator", Rev. Sci. Instrum., 2023, 94, DOI: 10.1063/5.0136857.

JOUSTEN K., BECHSTEIN S., BERNIEN M., BOINEAU F., BUNDALESKI N., ILLGEN C., JENNINGER B., SETINA J., SILVA R.A.S., STÖLTZEL A., TEODORO O.M.N.D. et WÜEST M., "Evaluation and metrological performance of a novel ionisation vacuum gauge suitable as reference standard", Measurement, 2023, 210, DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2023.112552.

RODRIGUES D. et VINCENT P., "Toward a unified formulation of the acoustic transfer admittance of cylindrical cavities for reciprocity calibration of microphones", Metrologia, 2023, 60, DOI 10.1088/1681-7575/ace3c4.

RODRIGUES D., SANDERMANN OLSEN E., LLAMAS O., DOBROWOLSKA D., DEFILIPPO SOARES Z.M., CHO W.H., HOF C., THOMAS C., DICKINSON L., YAMADA K., TAKAHASHI H., NEL R., HANES P., SADIKOGLU E., KOLESOV S. et GOLOVIN D., "Final report on the key comparison CCAUV.A-K6", Metrologia, 2023, 60, DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/60/1A/09001.


WENDEL T., BUSULADZIC I., WINDENBERGER C., MICKAN B. et DE HUU M., "Euramet.M.FF-S12 - Project no. 1476 - RMO supplementary comparison - Low pressure air flow between 25m³/h and 400 m³/h", Metrologia, 61, DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/61/1A/07004.

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BOINEAU F., "Metrological characterisation of a commercially available gas pycnometer", 21e congrès international de Métrologie (CIM 2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 mars 2023.

NOVIANT S., VISSIERE A. et SILVESTRI Z., "Innovative optical force balance based on the diamagnetism of pyrolythic graphite", 21e congrès international de Métrologie (CIM 2023), Lyon, France, 7-10 mars 2023, Prix du meilleur poster du congrès.

DOUGDAG K., BEAUDOUX F. et THOMAS M., "Toward a milligram electrostatic force balance at LNE. First measurements with a milligram electrostatic force balance at LNE", 21e congrès international de Métrologie (CIM 2023), France, Lyon, 7-10 mars 2023.

RODRIGUES, D., VINCENT, P., BARHAM, R. et LARSONNIER, F., "A laser pistonphone designed for absolute calibration of infrasound sensors from 10 mHz up to 20 Hz", EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienne, Autriche, 24-28 avril 2023, EGU23-7953, 2023, Procedings DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7953

THOMAS M., ESPEL P. et ZIANE D., "Beam Horizontality Determination in the LNE Kibble Balance Experiment", 2023 Conference - Sensor and Measurement Science International (SMSI 2023), Allemagne, Nuremberg, 11 mai 2023, Proceedings DOI: 10.5162/SMSI2023/B7.3.

THOMAS M., BEAUDOUX F. et DOUGDAG K., "Monolithic Guiding Mechanism and Adjustment Devices for an Electrostatic Force Balance at LNE", 2023 Conference - Sensor and Measurement Science International (SMSI  2023), Allemagne, Nuremberg, 11 mai 2023, Proceedings DOI: 10.5162/SMSI2023/B7.2.

RODRIGUES D., "Recent advancements in the development of acoustic transfer admittance calculation of couplers in achieving primary measurement standards for sound pressure", CCAUV Workshop, 24 octobre 2023, Proceedings DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11356.97923.

THOMAS M., "Balances de Kibble pour la réalisation du kilogramme : nouvelles perspectives pour les masses et grandeurs apparentées", Les séances thématiques de l’Académie des technologies - Le Système international d’unités (SI) version 2018 - Quels impacts et quelles perspectives ?, Paris, France, 25 octobre 2023.

PhD abstract

The metrological traceability of liquid flow rate measurements is ensured by an uninterrupted chain of calibrations against national primary and transfer standards. However, for flow rates that fall below a few microliters per minute, traceability becomes difficult due to the lack of references at this scale. In this work, and as part of the Metrology for Drug Delivery II European joint research project, we developed a primary system for the measurement of low liquid flow rates based on the optical tracking of a liquid/air interface moving inside a glass capillary tube. A quantification of the physical phenomena occurring at the interface and an assessment of the different uncertainty components were carried out. In order to ensure the traceability of flow rate measurements, a camera calibration procedure has been established and a method for measuring the inner diameter of capillary tubes has been developed. The system allows the calibration of liquid flow generating and measurement devices such as drug delivery systems, flow sensors, pressure controllers and syringe pumps. These devices are used for e.g. medical and microfluidics applications. Our system also enables the study of flow rate fluctuations and thus, a complete characterization of flow generating devices. As part of the external validation of the system, CETIAT participated in an interlaboratory comparison which consists in the calibration of different flow meters and a flow generator, from 5 nL/min to 1500 nL/min, for both static and dynamic flows. The results of the comparison show a measurement-expanded relative uncertainty ranging from 12 % at 10 nL/min to 0.15 % at 1500 nl/min. These measurement and calibration capabilities (CMCs) were peer-reviewed and validated by BIPMs (International Bureau of Weights and Measures) approval process. This validation represents international recognition of our system as the French national primary standard for liquid nano-flow rates.


interface tracking, nano-flow rate, primary standard


BATISTA E., ÁLVARES M., MARTINS R.F., OGHEARD F., GERŠL J. and GODINHO I., “Measurement of internal diameters of capillaries and glass syringes using gravimetric and optical methods for microflow applications”, Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik, 2022, 68, 1, DOI: 10.1515/bmt-2022-0033.

HÖGSTRÖM R., SAXHOLM S., ASPIALA M., HÄMÄLÄINEN J., SALMINEN J., SARRAF C., WYNANDS R., QUABIS S., DURGUT Y., JÖNSSON G., AMER E., LIVERTS M., SUNDARAPANDIAN S. and ADOLFSE C., “Guideline on the development of dynamic pressure standards covering the pressure range from 0.1 MPa to 400 MPa with response times in the range of μs to ms”, PTB-Mitteilungen, 2022, 132, 4, DOI: 10.7795/310.20220499.

MILLS C., BATISTA E., BISSIG H., OGHEARD F., BOUDAOUD A.W., BÜKER O., STOLT K., MORGAN J., KARTMANN S., THIEMANN K., MIOTTO G., NIEMANN A., KLEIN S., RATERING G. and LÖTTERS J., “Calibration methods for flow rates down to 5 nL/min and validation methodology”, Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik, 2022, 68, 1, DOI: 10.1515/bmt-2022-0049.

OTAL P., « Étalons de pression », Techniques de l’Ingénieur, 2022, R 2 060v3 - 2, DOI: 10.51257/a-v2-r2030.

OTAL P., « Hautes pressions - Domaine de 50 MPa à 2 GPa », Techniques de l’Ingénieur, 2022, R 2 060v3 - 2,  DOI:10.51257/a-v3-r2060.

RODRIGUES D., VINCENT P., BARAHM R., LARSONNIER F. and DURAND S., “A laser pistonphone designed for absolute calibration of infrasound sensors from 10 mHz up to 20 Hz”, Metrologia, 2022, 60, DOI: 10.1088/1681-7575/aca0f3.


BATISTA E., VAN HEEREN H., OGHEARD F., SILVERIO V., KAAL J. and VERPLANCK N., “Influence of Microfluidic Standards on Organs-on-Chips”, EUROoCS 2022, Grenoble, France, 4-5 July 2022.

OGHEARD F., « Sécuriser l'administration des Médicaments par la Mesure », Workshop MEDDII, September 2022.

BLANC B. and BEAUDOUX F., “Monte Carlo method applied to gravimetric leak calibration”, IMEKO 24th TC3, 14th TC5, 6th TC16 and 5th TC22 International Conference, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, 11-13 October 2022.

BOINEAU F. and PLIMMER M.D., “A technique to improve low leak rate measurement with a constant-volume flowmeter”, IMEKO International Conference 2022, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, DOI: 10.21014/tc16-2022.12011-13 October 2022.

REZKI A., Z SILVESTRI., WALLERAND J-P., GUIANVARC’H C. and HIMBERT M., “Low frequency acoustic pressure measurements based on Fabry-Perot refractometer”, Joint IMEKO TC3, T5, TC16 and TC22 International Conference, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, DOI: 10.21014/tc16-2022.00811-13 October 2022.

RUBIN T., SILANDER I., FORSSEN C., ZAKRISSON J., AMER E., SZABO D., BOCK T., KUSSICKE A., GÜNZ C., MARI D., GAVIOSO R.M., PISANI M., MADONNA RIPA D., SILVESTRI Z., GAMBETTE P., BENTOUATI D., GARBEROGLIO G., LESIUK M., PRZYBYTEK M., JEZIORSKI B., SETINA J., ZELAN M. and AXNER O., “Quantum-based realizations of the pascal’ status and progress of the EMPIR-project: Quantumpascal”, Joint IMEKO TC3, T5, TC16 and TC22 International Conference, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, DOI: 10.21014/tc16-2022.10311-13 October 2022.

BATISTA E. and al., " MFMET project - Establishing metrology standards in microfluidic devices", FLOMEKO 2022, Chóngqìng, China, 1-4 November 2022.

BOBOVNIK G., SAMBOL P., MAURY R. and KUTIN J., “Flow coefficients of critical flow venturi nozzles calibrated with hydrogen and other gases”,  FLOMEKO 2022, Chóngqìng, China, 1-4 November 2022.

DE HUU M.A. and MAURY R., “Design and calibration of critical flow Venturi nozzles for high-pressure hydrogen applications”, FLOMEKO 2022, Chóngqìng, China, 1-4 November 2022.

DE HUU M.A., MAURY R., MACDONALD M., RONNEBERG S. and WIENER A., “Key comparison of gravimetric standards for hydrogen refuelling stations”, FLOMEKO 2022, Chóngqìng, China, 1-4 November 2022.

MACDONALD M., GLEN N., DE HUU M.A., MAURY R., RONNEBERG S. and WIENER A., “Measurement uncertainty tool for HRS dispensers”, FLOMEKO 2022, Chóngqìng, China, 1-4 November 2022.

MAURY R., DE HUU M.A., MACDONALD M., VENSLOVAS E. and WIENER A., “Secondary standard for hydrogen refuelling station verification: Method and requirements”, FLOMEKO 2022, Chóngqìng, China, 1-4 November 2022.

SCHAKEL M.D., GUGOLE F., STANDIFORD D., J KUTIN., BOBOVNIK G., MOLE N., MAURY R., SCHUMANN D., KRAMER R., GUENZ C., BÖCKLER H.-B. and BÜKER O., “Establish traceability for liquefied hydrogen flow measurements”, FLOMEKO 2022, Chóngqìng, China, 1-4 November 2022.

GABRIELSON T.B., MERCHANT B.J., RODRIGUES D. and SMITH C.M., "Measurement of infrasound sensor self-noise", Abstract in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 152, A164, DOI: 10.1121/10.0015896, 183rd meeting of the Acoustical Society of America28 November 2022.

PhD abstract

The work concerns the development of a novel absolute gas pressure standard in a range of 200 Pa to 20 kPa (0.002 atm to 0.2 atm). The method used, refractive index gas manometry, involves the determination of the refractive index of a pure noble gas (helium-4 or argon) using a microwave resonator. The refractive index is determined via the ratio of the resonant frequencies measured with the resonator under vacuum and under pressure at a constant temperature. Given the thermodynamic temperature of the gas and its refractive index, it is possible to calculate its pressure. This principle is the reciprocal of that used for refractive index gas thermometry (RIGT) in which thermodynamic temperature is extracted from the measured refractive index of gas at a known pressure. The frequency scanning pattern and fitting algorithms take advantage of earlier work in the laboratory on the determination of the Boltzmann constant prior to the 2019 redefinition of the kelvin, the SI unit of thermodynamic temperature. For Helium-4, measurements were made at 5.4 K using a quasi-spherical copper resonator coated on its inner surface with a 3 μm thick layer of superconducting niobium. Superconductivity improves the quality factor Q of the resonator and thereby the frequency resolution of the system. The pressure determination benefits from the very high accuracy of the dielectric and density virial coefficients of helium-4 obtained by ab initio calculations. Measurements on Argon were performed at a temperature of 90.4 K with an uncoated copper resonator. At this temperature, the apparatus is less demanding in terms of cryogenics than its helium counterpart and so easier to replicate.

Key words

ab initio calculation, pressure standard, metrology, manometry, thermometry, microwave cavity, superconductivity, refractive index, virial coefficient, helium, argon

Full document


JOUSTEN K., BERNIEN M., BOINEAU F., BUNDALESKI N., ILLGEN C., JENNINGER B., JÖNSSON G., ŠETINA J., TEODORO O.M.N.D. et VICAR M., "Electrons on a straight path: A novel ionisation vacuum gauge suitable as reference standard", Vacuum, 2021, 189, DOI: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2021.110239.

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BOINEAU F., JÖNSSON G., BERNIEN M., BUNDALESKI N., GRUBER A., ILLGEN C., JOUSTEN K., JENNINGER B., SCUDERI F., SILVA J., TEODORO O.M.N.D., TRÜTZSCHLER A., VICAR M. et WÜEST M., "Metrological performance of a novel ionisation vacuum gauge with respect to that of the commercial gauges commonly used as reference standards", 20e congrès international de Métrologie (CIM 2021), France, Lyon, 7-9 septembre 2021.

BOUDAOUD A.W., "Development of primary system for the measurement of nano-flow rates of liquids",  20e congrès international de Métrologie (CIM 2021), France, Lyon, 7-9 septembre 2021.

HÖGSTRÖM R., SAXHOLM S., FATEEV A., SUTTON G., JÖNSSON G., KOOPS R., NIEUWENKAMP G., SUNDARAPANDIAN S., LIVERTS M., SARRAF C., ADOLFSE C., QUABIS S., WYNANDS R., ÖSTER A. DURGUT et K., “Towards improved dynamic measurements of pressure and temperature”, 20e congrès international de Métrologie (CIM 2021), France, Lyon, 7-9 septembre 2021.

OGHEARD F., "Development and validation of a dynamic primary standard for unsteady liquid flow calibration", 20e congrès international de Métrologie (CIM 2021), France, Lyon, 7-9 septembre 2021.

OGHEARD F., BATISTA E., SILVERIO V., PECNIK C., BECKER H. ET GRAHAM E., "A new EURAMET EMPIR Project: establishing metrology standards in microfluidic devices", 20e congrès international de Métrologie (CIM 2021), France, Lyon, 7-9 septembre 2021.



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BOINEAU F., ELKATMIS A., KANGI R., BECKER U. et JOUSTEN K., “Time stability characterization of quadrupole mass spectrometers”, Measurement, 165, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2020.108143

BÜKER O., STOLT K., DE HUU M., MACDONALD M. et MAURY R., “Investigations on pressure dependence of Coriolis Mass Flow Meters used at Hydrogen Refueling Stations”, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 76, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2020.101815

DE HUU M., TSCHANNEN M., BISSIG H., STADELMANN P., BÜKER O., MACDONALD M., MAURY R, NEUVONEN P.T., PETTER H.T., RASMUSSEN K., “Design of gravimetric primary standards for field-testing of hydrogen refuelling stations”, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 2020, 73, DOI: 10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2020.101747

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JOUSTEN K., BOINEAU F., BUNDALESKI N., ILLGEN C., SETINA J., TEODORO O.M.N.D., VICAR M., WÜEST M., “A review on hot cathode ionisation gauges with focus on a suitable design for measurement accuracy and stability”, Vacuum, 2020, 179, DOI: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2020.109545

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BARTOLI C. et HERMAWANTO D., "Pilot Study EURAMET.AUV.V-P1: Bilateral comparison on magnitude of the complex charge sensitivity of accelerometers from 10 Hz to 10 kHz", Metrologia, 54,  Technical Supplement, DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/54/1a/09002.


BOINEAU F., HURET S., OTAL P. et PLIMMER M., "A high-accuracy working standard for absolute pressure from 5 kPa to 130 kPa", Int. J. Metrol. Qual. Eng., 8, 26, 2017, 7, DOI:10.1051/ijmqe/2017020


FENG X.J., ZHANG J.T., MOLDOVER M.R., YANG I., PLIMMER M.D. et LIN H., “Determination of the molar mass of argon from high-precision acoustic comparisons”, Metrologia, 54, 2017, DOI: 10.1088/1681-7575/aa68c7.


MÜLLER H., CARE I., LUCAS P., PACHINGER D., KURIHARA N., LISHUI C., SU C.-M., SHINDER I. et SPAZZINI P.G., "CCM.FF-K3.2011: Final report for the CIPM key comparison of air speed, 0.5 m/s to 40 m/s", Metrologia, 54, Technical Supplement, 2017, DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/54/1a/07013.


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PACHINGER D., DE HUU M., MUELLER H., CARE I., FREDERIKSEN J., PICCATO A. et BERTASIENE A., "EURAMET project No. 1225: intercomparsion of very low air speed standard facilities (0.05 m/s to 1 m/s)", Metrologia, 54, Technical Supplement, 2017, DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/54/1A/07021.


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QIAO S., LIFENG Y., BARTOLI C., VELDMAN I., RIPPER G.P., BRUNS T., LICHT T.R., KOLASA J., HOF C., SILVA PINEDA G., DICKINSON L., OTA A., CHEUNG W.S., YANKOVSKY A. et SHAN C., “Final report of CCAUV.V-K3: key comparison in the field of acceleration on the complex charge sensitivity”, Metrologia, 54, Technical Supplement, DOI: 10.1088/0026-1394/54/1a/09001.


SABUGA W., RABAULT T., WÜTHRICH C., PRAZAK D., CHYTIL M., BROUWER L. et AHMED A.D.S., “High pressure metrology for industrial applications”, Metrologia, 54, 6, 2017, DOI: 10.1088/1681-7575/aa895a


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BALLEREAU P., TRUONG D. et MATIAS A., "Study of an absolute falling ball rheometer, adapted to the low shear stresses", Annual European Rheology Conference 2017, Copenhague, Danemark, 4 avril 2017.


BOINEAU F., HURET S., OTAL P. et PLIMMER M., "Development and characterisation of a low pressure transfer standard in the range 1 Pa to 10 kPa", 6th CCM International Conference on Pressure and Vacuum Metrology in conjunction with the 5th IMEKO TC16 International Conference, Pereira, Colombie, 7-10 mai 2017.


SILVESTRI Z., AZOUIGUI S., BADR T., BOINEAU F., LEFEBVRE M., OTAL P. et WALLERAND J.-P., "Helium-based refractometry for absolute low pressure measurements in the range 1-100 kPa", 6th CCM International Conference on Pressure and Vacuum Metrology in conjunction with the 5th IMEKO TC16 International Conference, Pereira, Colombie, 7-10 mai 2017.


VINCENT P., LARSONNIER F., RODRIGUES D. et DURAND S., "Analytical model and characterization of an infrasound generator in the air", Internoise 2017", the 46th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Hong-Kong, Région Administrative Spéciale de la République Populaire de Chine, 27-30 août 2017.


BENTOUATI D., DURGUT Y., MEDINA MARTIN N., OTAL P., PLIMMER M., PRAZAK D., SABUGA W. et SINIR E., "Calibration techniques for negative pressure measurement down to -100 kPa", 18th International Metrology Congress (CIM 2017), Paris, France, 19-21 septembre 2017.


NIEUWENKAMP G., PELEVIC N., LI J., BÜKER O., ARRHENIUS K., STOLT K., RASMUSSEN K., KONDRUP J., MAURY R., RICHTER M., LENTNER R., ALBO P.A., LAGO S., BROWN A., MURUGAN A., GIESEKING B., TOMPKINS J., EILTS P., KLARE L., MOSHAMMER K., LUCASSEN A. et HADIDI K., “Metrology for LNG custody transfer and transport fuel applications”, 18th International Metrology Congress (CIM 2017), Paris, France, DOI: 10.1051/metrology/201708001, 19-21 septembre 2017.


PINOT P. et SILVESTRI Z., "New optical power sensors using pyrolytic graphite", 18th International Metrology Congress (CIM 2017), Paris, France, DOI: 10.1051/metrology/201717001, 19-21 septembre 2017.


CARE I., VEAU J. et GENOUX Ph., "Performance tests of two insertion type thermal mass flow meters", 18th International Metrology Congress (CIM 2017), Paris, France, DOI: 10.1051/metrology/201702001, 19-21 septembre 2017.


BENTOUATI D., Y DURGUT., OTAL P., PLIMMER M., D PRAŽÁK., SABUGA W. et SINIR E., « Techniques d’étalonnage pour la mesure de pressions négatives jusqu’à -100 kPa », 18th International Metrology Congress (CIM 2017), Paris, France, 19-21 septembre 2017.


BOINEAU F., HURET S., OTAL P. et PLIMMER M., « Un étalon de travail de haute exactitude dans la gamme de pression absolue entre 5 kPa et 130 kPa », 18th International Metrology Congress (CIM 2017), Paris, France, 19-21 septembre 2017.